Monday, July 31, 2006


Whoever thought that blogging could be so cool? I never did, then one day I got sucked in. Its pretty neat. So yea...I wanted to go to music camp at Maranatha to help my mom, Aunt Kay, and Miss Betsy, but now its not looking so good for me to be able to go. How sad. Oh well...I guess I can just go on the canoe trip with my church. I worked at Camp Assurance this last summer as a counselor. It was pretty cool. I learned a lot, and God really showed me how He was working in the lives of many of the young people there. We had 39 kids get saved if I remember correctly. It was so neat! Now I am at home and I am extremely bored. Oh well, I need to practice up for Laura's wedding anyways. Its in a couple of weeks. I am just playing for the reception, well its more like my mom, brother and I are playing, but I still need to practice. I haven't touched my poor beloved violin in a couple of weeks. Poor thing. It got used at camp a lot, but now its not getting used at all. It probably feels neglected. I am wondering if I know anybody on this blog site....hmm....