I think the part that got me the most was feeding our flesh. Sometimes I do things and I think "oh its just this once...it won't hurt me". But oh does it. Feeding your flesh only makes it stronger. I wish I would think about these things before I do stupid stuff. But sadly I don't. I needed this great reminder...hopefully it can be a blessing you your heart like it was to mine.
I have been reading this book called Authentic Beauty. It is a wonderful book and I would recommend that all women read it whether single or not single. It talks about some great things. She talks about how we are Princesses and our Prince should be Jesus Christ.

When I was little I wanted to be just like the princess Ariel from the little mermaid. I wanted to be beautiful and I wanted her long red flowy hair. I wanted to grow up and find myself a prince Eric just like she did. I wanted him to be cute like prince Eric and I wanted him to be perfect. But then one day reality hit, and it hit hard. I realized that I was never going to be a princess like Ariel because she isn't real. She's just a fairy tale like all the other disney princesses. Sometimes its hard to realize that I don't have a boyfriend...but as I read this book, I realize that maybe I am not ready to date. I have not yet become Christ's princess and He has not yet become my prince. There are things in my life that I need to work on before I think I can completely go into a relationship.

I need to become His lily white princess, and then I can become a princess for the man of my dreams. Just some pretty awesom things that I have been learning that I wanted to share. I hope it makes sense.
Yeah, well, I posted it on my blog first, so nyah! lol
That is so true. As we grow up, we all want to be that Princess or that Prince. But we may never be that Princess or Prince like the movies show- but we can be that with the Lord. Thank you for the reminder!! Even tho we may not look beautiful or handsome on the outside- we are very beautiful or handsome inside. What a blessing it is to know that God thinks of me as beautiful.
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