So this last Monday we had deans chapel here at MBBC. Mrs. Brown spoke at our chapel, and what she said has really made me think. Mrs. Brown's challenge was on the discipline of worship. She approached it from a angle that I have never thought of it before. It is so easy for us to be at church singing songs and praising our Lord, when all of the sudden we can get distracted by things around us. Here's an example from my own life. I'll be singing along, when all of the sudden I'll see someone I know sitting with someone of the opposite gender. I immediately forget about singing and start to wonder who that other person is, and if there is an interest in each other on either party. Then I remember that I am singing and try to get my focus back on where it should be. The worst time for me is during the message. I'll start to think about the test I have the next day, or how many more practice hours I need for my lesson that week and so on. Why is it so easy for us to get distracted? Does anybody else find that they get more distracted while at church than any where else? Why is that? I think its very important that we work on disciplining ourselves on this matter. To try and focus what we should be focusing on. It's not easy. I know that. But with the Lord's help we can do this.
Just something thats been on my mind lately and I thought I would share it with ya'll. Have a great day, and I'll see some of you later!
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Wowsie, what a Blessing it is that you shared that. It is very true that we get distracted.. Sometimes we get so distrated that it is normal for us to "act" like we are there but really are not. It's like reading a book and ya mind wonders away for a second- when ya come to it again- ya notice that ya a few paragraphs or pages or whatnots away from where ya last remember reading at.. {like the last word ya read was "Fred".. then the next thing ya know it says "Brooklyn, NY" --or whatever..} I know that Satan is out to stop us from worshipping God- and the best way he found out was to distract us... just like he distracted Eve from looking toward God and onto the Tree. Crazzie ah? but it's true- satan is out to get us, and it is up to us to let him get away with it or not!
Wish i was there to have heard the message. Dean's Chapel is usually very good. I am missing Chapel {but not the fact that i have to get up early to go}.
Along with Dana, I will concur that I believe that part of this is both our flesh- which doesn't desire the things of God and WANTS to be distracted by other things- as well as Satan, who wants us to be distracted. I believe also, some of this may be our own sinful hearts, which are so intrenched into the things of this world, that we are simply easily distracted because this is where our hearts are instead of HOME.
Of course, this being the time of the year that it is, I am often asked, "So, are you going home for Christmas?" For those that don't know my situation, I am not welcome in my father's house because I am a Christian. In effect, I don't have a home to go to. However, that has actually been a huge blessing over the years, because whenever people ask me that question, I am always reminded that we're not home...yet. That reminder is something that God continually uses to teach me not to hold onto and get distracted by the things of this world. It is a mentality that we must all keep with us at all times if we are to keep from being easily distracted by the things of this world, "Where moths and rust corrupt, and thieves break through and steal." May all of us make our HOME our treasure.
All these years you've known me, Noah, and you still can't spell my name. -grins-.. it's spelled Dayna!
Hope you have a great random day today!!
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