The camp that I worked at this last summer had a christmas party on Thursday night for all former staff. I didn't get to go, mainly in part because I didn't know about it. I was kinda upset when I heard about it, but then I realized that for some reason, the Lord didn't want me to go, and even though I wanted to very badly, I wasn't going to be able to. The picture above is myself and Elizabeth Randolph, the camp directors daughter. She and I got along very well. She was in my cabin the last week of primary camp. I miss camp a lot.

This Friday, my bestest friend from BJU is coming to visit me!! I am so excired. Her name is Katie, and I just love this girl so much. We have been through a lot together, and I miss her so much. I have been waiting since October for this Friday to come, and now that its here I can hardly contain myself. The only downside is that I have to be back at MBBC on Monday by 3 and she is staying at my house till Tueday morning. I wish I could stay that long. Oh well, at least she's coming and I get to see her. The picture of us is one that we took together right before she flew to Africa. That picture is from the last time that I saw her. I am so excited that she's coming. Can't you tell?

I watched the second Pirates with my friend Beth a few days ago. It was very enjoyable. When asked if I liked the first or second better, I said that the original is always the best. But the second one was awesome, and I want to watch it again. Johnny Depp pulled off another amazing character. He always is awesome at what he does. Stick that man in any role and he'll play it. Orlando Bloom did a awesome job as well. It was a funny movie, and I really enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it. It will make you laugh.
Aren't brothers and friends a blessing?? Yeah... i got to hang out with Jayme this past weekend too!! what a blessing it has been. I guess when he got here {i was at work at that time} he had hair on his head. When I got home {from work} he was getting his hair cut {what hair??}.. What a silly brother i have.. My mom still thinks that there is something between Deanna and him...LOL. Deanna and her siblings are pretty nifty too. You can't have another friend like Deannd or Rachel or Jayme.
Yeahh.. I am so happy that you are {or were} able to hang out with ya friend Katie {hey, i have a sister name Kaytie}.
I like the 1st one better- but PotC2 was a good one to watch too, and i'll watch the 3rd one when it comes out -grins-.
Wuv ya loads pal, and have a great day!! Why do you need to go to MBBC on the 1st? Thats just crazzie.. Usually it's a week or two afterwards---unless i am misreading ya post.
yes brothers are a blessing...i was actually wondering if there was something between Deanna and Jayme..lol...thats funny that your mom thinks that too. i have to be back at MBBC on the 8th. so a week from tomorrow. i am ready to go back and succeed, hopefully, once again.
btw- i can't wait for the third potc...i hope its good!!! =)
Oh my word.. ok.. i have to post since you are talking about my brother.. my wierd older brother who is bolding and trying to hide it by shaving his head bold.
No, Jayme and Deanna does not have a relationship together other then friends, though I wouldnt' be suprised if something did happen between them.
I am Days older and wiser and wierder sister Joy.. the one she probably never talks about.. *giggles*
I must say that I am jealous that you got to spend time with him and that day got to as well.. I didn't get to go home for christmas or new years this year.. I have a new family now.. *my in laws of 6 months* so I spent it with them.. and it was fun.. just not as noisy and goofy as I am used to as he only has one sister and one set of parents and one grandparent.. so it was more quiet and alot smaller then what I'm used to.
It sounds like you had a great time though and that is good. Hope you are doing well at MBBC.. its a great school.
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