Christmas break was awesome. Above I am seen with my best friend since 1st grade Beth Williams. We went to Denny's on New Years Eve to bring in the new year with my brother who was working the late shift that night. We had a lot of fun. We were bored so we used my new cell phone to take pictures of us! =) It was just a great break to spend some time with her, which is something we hardly ever get to do at school because of our busy schedules.

The above picture was taken at my church on New Years Eve. This is my pastor's son Stephen. He is the cutest baby in the entire church and I love him to death!! =) What a cutie. I didn't get to babysit him while I was home, =(, but thats ok, maybe this summer I will get the opportunity.

This picture was taken, yet again at Denny's resteraunt. This is my friend Katie who came to see me this last weekend. We went to Denny's for lunch on Sunday afternoon. We had a blast together, and I was so sad when we had to leave each other. I love her so much.
Now I am back at school hitting the textbooks. I hope that all of you, my faithful readers, are doing well. Leave me a comment if you read my blog. I would love to know who does such! =)
Hey i know both of thoe girls on that 1st picture.. Beth is so big- but what a big blessign she is. She is loads of fun and fun to be picked on as well as picking back. I am sure she loves being able to see you around at mbbc- rather than asking me if i heard from you. okies, really- i would ask her if she heard from you.. but ya didn't hear that from me. hope things are going well with being back at school. If you are there next year- we'll have to hang out sometime.. maybe do homework int eh libray together {even if it is different things and we'll just be working..} Or whatever.. and yeah- i do read ya blog. Crazzie ah?
I think I shall read your blog more often. I usually go throw all the links in my sisters blog cause I'm a curious person and well I don't mind letting people know that a stranger reads thier more inner thoughts that they post publicly. I feel sometimes like a sneak and an easedropper but I like it! :P
Joy just wants to make sure my friends aren't crazzier than i am- or maybe crazzie enough to be my friend..
lol! well do I pass the test? hehe...i can be extremely crazy ya know. just ask my roomies...or ya can ask my friends at bju. they'll all tell you. =)
Actually I just am a very noisy and curious person at heart and I always click on that link that says Next blog... I have found some very kewl people that way.. and even a few old friends.. its fun to read other peoples blogs and to just be a lurker.. one that doesnt' have to comment.. but can to suprise the person. :P and Shawna don't worry.. no one can be crazzier then my sister (KT) But you can be crazzier then my sister Day. :D You should post more.. I am interested in what you say.. start a topic if you would like and see what people say... or have to say about it.
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