Thursday, August 17, 2006

My lovely day

So today was a good day, all except for this morning. My mom came in before 7 and woke me up. Why? I don't know. She had something she wanted me to do before I went babysitting at 8:30. I think she thought the 10 minute job would take me an hour or something. I could have totally slept till 7:30. But none the less she woke me up before 7. (For the record, I haven't slept past 7 since like May. Thats a record for me!)

After I finished what my mom wanted me to do, I went to babysit 2 little girls from my church. I got to their house and as their dad was leaving told me that they were grounded from tv and that we had to find something else to occupy their time. He leaves and the adventure begins.

Enter Max. Whose Max you ask? Well let me tell you about Max. Max is the rat tarrier owned by the family I am babysitting for. Max is very...hyper and even that sounds like to weak a word to descibe this dog. He jumps all over me, which I really didn't mind.

So there I am, and there the kids are and we are trying to find out what to do. So I make this brilliant idea to make a tent...they like the idea and ask how to make one. I was secretly hoping they knew, and when they asked how I quickly tried to figure out how and where to make one. We finally got one up...but it didn't work to well.

So then they decided to play "monster". Guess who was the monster. You guessed right folks...yours truly was the monster! It was fun...for the most part. After we finished "monster" we went out and sat on the sofa. Enter Max. Max jumps up on the sofa and starts licking my lips. That was DISGUSTING! I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but I don't love dogs kissing me, especially since a dogs mouth can have been anywhere! Thats just gross. So I finally untangle his face from mine and get him off the sofa, where he stays off.

Then we proceeded to play hide and go seek upon which the end of that game announced the arrival of daddy. I then came home and slept for a good 2-3 hours. It was great.

Now I sit here and wait for my brother to get off work at Denny's. He's a waiter there and a good one to boot. Tomorrow is his last night there before he heads for school next week. So tomorrow night my best friend and I are going to go over there and give him a hard time!!! =)

Well my computer is about to run outa battery. I should probably head off before it dies completley. Thats not good for your computer to do. So I'll see you all next time here at the Allegro! Thanks for stoppin by!

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