Monday, November 27, 2006

Random Pictures


Lisa said...

Nice pics...none of me though, that's sad! :( Anyway...just a word of advice...spell things right in your verse at the top. I'd fix that right away if I were you! :)

2Crazzie4U said...

looking good- as always.. keep up the awesome work of being you.. i am sorry to tell you that i could never be you- even if i was to be you for a day- i wouldn't be as great at it as you are. So, keep up that awesome work... and also have a great and awesome random day- yes, that is yesterday, today and tomorrow.. Just a random day out of a random month in a random year. some random day we will look back and remember a random day and be glad that we had that day {or wish it could be diff.} but it is still a random day, and it is up to you how you want to live that random day... either you be you or you try to be someone else {but you can't do that even if ya try everyday- every sec.- and every year..- but ya can TRY, just you wouldn't be that person ya trying to be- so just be yaself}..

much wuv from a random friend